
- Add 125mL of Organic Descaler to 875mL of water to make up 1L of descaling solution.
- Follow the machine manufacturer’s instructions to decalcify, de-lime or descale the machine.
- Always rinse the machine at least twice with fresh water after decalcifying, and before re-filling and reusing the machine.
Recommended For
Espresso machine water tanks, boilers and coffee brewers. Organic Descaler can also be used in pod/capsule coffee machines, kettles, urns and bain maries. Refer to machine manufacturer’s instructions on how to clean. Always rinse thoroughly with fresh water after cleaning
Coffee will always taste more vibrant and delicious when it is freshly ground just before brewing. If you do have a burr grinder at home Whole Bean is the option for you.
And don't panic if you don't have a grinder! We can grind your coffee just before dispatching. Simply choose the grind size based on the type of brewer you use at home.
If you are interested in a burr grinder, we have some excellent options available here. Should you have any questions about grinding, please feel free to drop us a line at
For more detail on grinding, please visit here.